Book Store
To order from the Butler Museum Bookstore:
- To order books: E-mail a list of the books you desire to order to Mr. Herman Tester at [email protected].
- For each book ordered you will need to send a check or money order for the price of the book shown on your list – along with $5.00 for postage for one book – and an additional $2.00 for each additional book ordered.
- Mr. Tester will tell you where to send your check or Money Order.
- Once the check/money order has cleared the bank, the order will be shipped by USPO PRIORTY MAIL.
- We do not take any kind of credit or debit cards.
BOOKS: History Census Books
Butler; Old, New and Carderview
by Herman Tester
This is the story of Butler, Johnson County, Tennessee. The only town flooded by the Tennessee Valley Authority. Butler and its citizens met this ultimate fate after surviving almost two centuries of natural floods, wars, and disease. This is the story of 'Old' Butler 1768-1948, Carderview 1948-1953 and 'New' Butler 1953-Present. Interesting side stories of happenings in Butler and surroundings also presented. Appendices are very informative.
Size: 8 1/2 x 11 148 pages Price: $20.00
Lost Heritage |
By Russ Calhoun, Sr
A documentation of the Communities, Institutions, and Familes displaced or otherwise affected by the Tennessee Valey Authority Watauga Reservoir.
Size: 6 x 9 387 pages Price: $20.00
Images of America, Old Butler |
By Michael and Lanetta Depew
Drawing from the records of the Butler Musuem and several private parties collections, Images of America, Old Butler portrays the early history of the town. The book presents its academic and social development, as well as the many floods that disrupted the lives of residents.
Size: 6 1/2 x 9 1/2 128 pages Price: $20.00
Old Butler & Watauga Academy |
By Dan Crowe
An overview of the history of the Watauga valley from Daniel Boone to the closing of the Watauga Dam in 1949.
Size: 8 1/2 x 11 71 pages Price: $15.00
1930 Census Johnson County Tennessee - Vol 1 |
By Herman Tester
Size: 8 1/2 x 11 Price: $18.00 |
1930 Census Johnson County Tennessee - Vol 2 |
By Herman Tester
Size: 8 1/2 x 11 Price: $24.00 |
Companion Book for 1930 Census Johnson County |
By Herman Tester
Size: 8 1/2 x 11 Price: $10.00 |
1930 Census Carter County Tennessee |
By Herman Tester
Size: 8 1/2 x 11 Price: $25.00 |